Alysia Blackham

Dr Alysia Blackham is a Professor, speaker, scholar, educator, and consultant. As one of the world's leading scholars of age discrimination law, Alysia skilfully integrates cutting-edge knowledge and research with a practical understanding of organisations and business, to offer research-led solutions that advance equality at work. 

Alysia has delivered bespoke training and seminars to the Commonwealth Attorney-General's department; WorkSafe Victoria; the Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector; South Australian Parliament; Ministry of Justice of Viet Nam; the Australian HR Institute; the Australian Council of Trade Unions; and the Victorian public sector. Alysia has delivered tailored research projects for the European Network of Legal Experts in the Field of Gender Equality and European Commission, and the Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector. Alysia has worked as a consultant for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and USAID.