For a full list of publications, see Alysia's Google Scholar profile.
Alysia Blackham, Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement (2022, Oxford Monographs on Labour Law, Oxford University Press).
Alysia Blackham, Empirical Research and Workplace Discrimination Law (Brill Research Perspectives Series on Comparative Discrimination Law, 2019, Brill).
Alysia Blackham, Extending Working Life for Older Workers: Age Discrimination Law, Policy and Practice (2016, Hart).
Refereed articles:
Alysia Blackham, ‘The Future of Work in an Ageing World: Priorities for Advancing Age Equality at Work’ (2024) 49(2) Alternative Law Journal 97–103.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Equality Law Protection for Legal Education: Internships, Volunteering and Clinics’ (2024) 34(2) Legal Education Review 1–21.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Faces of Inequality: Reflections on Exceptional Developments’ (2024) 63(1) Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 85–94.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Empirical Legal Research Teaching in Australia: Building an Empirical Legal Revolution’ (2024) 49(1) Alternative Law Journal 62–67.
Alysia Blackham, Lauren Ryan and Leah Ruppanner, ‘Enacting Intersectionality: A Case Study of Gender Equality Law and Positive Equality Duties in Victoria’ (2023) 49(3) Monash University Law Review.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Setting the Framework for Accountability for Algorithmic Discrimination at Work’ (2023) 47(1) Melbourne University Law Review 63–113.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Abandoning Individual Enforcement? Interrogating the Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law’ (2023) 43(1) Legal Studies 3-28 .
Alysia Blackham, ‘Promoting Innovation or Exacerbating Inequality? Laboratory Federalism and Australian Age Discrimination Law’ (2023) 51(3) Federal Law Review 347–371.
Alysia Blackham, ‘When Law and Data Collide: The Methodological Challenge of Conducting Mixed Methods Research in Law’ (2022) 49(S1) Journal of Law and Society S87–S104.
Jane Fry, Jeromey Temple, Peter McDonald and Alysia Blackham, ‘COVID-19 and the Australian Labour Market: How did Older Australians Fare During 2020?’ (2021) 5(2) Australian Population Studies 29–42.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Positive Equality Duties: The Future of Equality and Transparency?’ (2021) 37(2) Law in Context 98–118.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Does Removing Default Retirement Ages Benefit Individuals? A Comparative Empirical Case Study of the University Sector’ (2021) 21(2) International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 77–93.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Enforcing Rights in Employment Tribunals: Insights from Age Discrimination Claims in a New “Dataset”’ (2021) 41(3) Legal Studies 390–409.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Women, Age Discrimination and Work: Where Have all the Cases Gone?’ Proceedings of Gender and Sexuality at Work: A Multidisciplinary Research and Engagement Conference, University of Melbourne, 2020, 94–98.
Alysia Blackham and Jeromey Temple, ‘Intersectional Discrimination in Australia: An Empirical Critique of the Legal Framework’ (2020) 43(3) UNSW Law Journal 773–800.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Why Do Employment Age Discrimination Cases Fail? An Analysis of Australian Case Law’ (2020) 42(1) Sydney Law Review 1–35.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination Beyond Employment’ (2019) 52 Kobe University Law Review 1–17 .
Alysia Blackham, ‘Unpacking Precarious Academic Work in Legal Education’ (2020) 54(3) The Law Teacher 426–442.
Andrew Lynch and Alysia Blackham, ‘Reforming Responses to the Challenges of Judicial Incapacity’ (2020) 48(2) Federal Law Review 214–246.
Dominique Allen and Alysia Blackham, ‘Under Wraps: Secrecy, Confidentiality and the Enforcement of Equality Law in Australia and the UK’ (2019) 43(2) Melbourne University Law Review 384–422.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Reconceiving Judicial Office Through a Labour Law Lens’ (2019) 47(2) Federal Law Review 203–230.
Alysia Blackham, ‘An Experimentalist Approach to Equality: A Case Study of Retirement in the UK University Sector’ (2019) 39(4) Legal Studies 598–617.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Interrogating the “Dignity” Argument for Mandatory Retirement: An Undignified Development?’ (2019) 48(3) Industrial Law Journal 377–415.
Alysia Blackham and Dominique Allen, ‘Resolving Discrimination Claims outside the Courts: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia and the United Kingdom’ (2019) 31 Australian Journal of Labour Law 253–278.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Young Workers and Age Discrimination: Tensions and Conflicts’ (2019) 48(1) Industrial Law Journal 1–33.
Dominique Allen and Alysia Blackham, ‘Using Empirical Research to Advance Workplace Equality Law Scholarship: Benefits, Pitfalls and Challenges’ (2018) 27(3) Griffith Law Review 337–365.
Alysia Blackham, ‘“We are all Entrepreneurs Now”: Options and New Approaches for Adapting Equality Law for the “Gig Economy”’ (2018) 34(4) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 413–434.
Gabrielle Appleby and Alysia Blackham, ‘The Shadow of the Court: Ethics for Former Judges’ (2018) 67(3) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 505–546.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Recent Developments in Australian and New Zealand Age Discrimination Law: A Comparative Perspective’ (2018) 43(2) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations 66–82.
Alysia Blackham, ‘A Compromised Balance? A Comparative Examination of Exceptions to Age Discrimination Law in Australia and the UK’ (2018) 41(3) Melbourne University Law Review 1085–1120.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Defining “Discrimination” in UK and Australian Age Discrimination Law’ (2017) 43(3) Monash University Law Review 760–795.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Employment Discrimination Law in the United Kingdom: Achieving Substantive Equality at Work?’ (2017) 30 Australian Journal of Labour Law 256–74.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Addressing the Ageing Workforce: A Critical Examination of Legal Policy Objectives and Values’ (2017) 37(7) Ageing and Society 1362–93.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Judicial Retirement Ages in the UK: Legitimate Aims and Proportionate Means?’ [2017] 2 Public Law 196–214.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Legitimacy and Empirical Evidence in the UK Courts’ (2016) 25(3) Griffith Law Review 414-440.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Reflexive Change? A Quantitative Review of the Impact of the Equality Act 2010 on Age Equality Measures in Organisations’ (2016) 16(2–3) International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 122–142.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Judges and Retirement Ages’ (2016) 39(3) Melbourne University Law Review 1–52.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Reforming Default Retirement Ages: Regulating Out Precariousness for Older Workers?’ (2016) 7(1) European Labour Law Journal 4–29.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Organisational Responses to the Abolition of Mandatory Retirement: Case Studies of Australian University Practice’ (2016) 45(2) Industrial Law Journal 144–75.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Tackling Age Discrimination Against Older Workers: A Comparative Analysis of Laws in the United Kingdom and Finland’ (2015) 4(1) Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 108–36.
Alysia Blackham, ‘The Presumption of Advancement: A Lingering Shadow in UK Law?’ (2015) 21(7) Trusts & Trustees 786–801.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Rethinking Working Time to Support Older Workers’ (2015) 31(2) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 119–140.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Managing Without Default Retirement in Universities: A Comparative Picture from Australia’ (2015) 35(3) Legal Studies 502–31.
Alysia Blackham and George Williams AO, ‘Social Media and Court Communication’ [2015] Public Law 403–25.
Alysia Blackham and George Williams AO, ‘The Accountability of Members of Australia’s Federal Parliament for Misconduct’ (2013) 13(1) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 115–56.
Alysia Blackham and George Williams AO, ‘Australian Courts and Social Media’ (2013) 38(3) Alternative Law Journal 170–5.
Alysia Blackham and George Williams AO, ‘The Appointment of Ministers from Outside of Parliament’ (2012) 40(2) Federal Law Review 253–85.
Alysia Debowski, ‘Old Dogs, New Tricks: Public Interest Lawyering in an Age of Terror’ (2009) 34 Alternative Law Journal 15–20.
Alysia Debowski, ‘Learning Through Undergraduate Research: Encouraging a Holistic Approach to the Teaching-Research Nexus’ in Critical Visions: Proceedings of the 29th HERDSA Annual Conference, Western Australia, 10–12 July 2006 (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Inc, 2006) 87–93: Highly Commended for the Edith Cowan University Authentic Learning Award, HERDSA Annual Conference.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination Beyond Employment’ (2019) 52 Kobe University Law Review 1–17 .
Book chapters:
Alysia Blackham, ‘Older Workers, Unfair Dismissal, and Age Discrimination Law: Strengthening Employment Protection? Comparative Perspectives from Australia and the UK’ in Jenny Julén Votinius and Mia Rönnmar (eds), Older Workers, Active Ageing, and the Future of Work: Discourses and Legal Advancements (2025, Kluwer Law International) pp 109–132.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement’ in Guy Davidov, Brian Langille and Gillian Lester (eds), Oxford Handbook of the Law of Work (2024, OUP) pp 605–616.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Mixed Methods Research’ in Alysia Blackham and Sean Cooney (eds), Handbook on Research Methods in Labour Law (2024, Edward Elgar) pp 398–413.
Alysia Blackham and Sean Cooney, ‘Introduction to the Handbook on Research Methods in Labour Law’ in Alysia Blackham and Sean Cooney (eds), Handbook on Research Methods in Labour Law (2024, Edward Elgar) pp 1–10.
Alysia Blackham, ‘Judicial Diversity’ in Se-shauna Wheatle and Elizabeth O’Loughlin (eds), Diverse Voices in Public Law (2023, Diverse Voices series, Bristol University Press).
Alysia Blackham, ‘A Life Course Approach to Addressing Exponential Inequalities: Age, Gender, and COVID-19’ in Shreya Atrey and Sandra Fredman (eds), Exponential Inequalities: Equality Law in Times of Crisis (2023, OUP).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Non-Discrimination on the Grounds of Age’, in Sacha Garben and Jeremias Adams-Prassl (eds), Oxford University Press Online Encyclopedia of EU Law (2022, OUP).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Underenforced, Under the Radar? Women, Age Discrimination and Work’ in Yutaka Tejima (ed), Issues Surrounding the Welfare of Elderly People in the Super Aging Society (in press, Springer).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Working at the Edges of Legal Protection: Equality Law and Youth Work Experience from a Comparative Perspective’ in Andrew Stewart, Rosemary Owens, Niall O’Higgins and Anne Hewitt (eds) Internships, employability and the search for decent work experience (2021, ILO).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Pensions and the Modern Workforce’ in Sinéad Agnew, Paul S Davies and Charles Mitchell (eds) Pensions: Law, Policy and Practice (2020, Hart).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Re-Systematising Labour Law: Beyond Traditional Systems Theory and Reflexive Law?’ in Alysia Blackham, Miriam Kullmann and Ania Zbyszewska (eds), Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: Towards Inclusive Labour Law (2019, Hart).
Miriam Kullmann, Ania Zbyszewska and Alysia Blackham, ‘Introduction’ in Alysia Blackham, Miriam Kullmann and Ania Zbyszewska (eds), Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: Towards Inclusive Labour Law (2019, Hart).
Alysia Blackham and Catherine Barnard, ‘The Self-Employed and the Welfare State in the EU: Insights from Gender and Race Equality Law’ in Mies Westerveld and Marius Olivier (eds), Social Security Outside the Realm of the Employment Contract: Informal Work and Employee-Like Workers (2019, Edward Elgar).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Normative Visions of Age: Progress and Change in Australian Labour Law’ in John Howe, Anna Chapman and Ingrid Landau (eds), The Evolving Project of Labour Law (2017, Federation Press).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Judicial Diversity and Mandatory Retirement: Obstacle or Route to Diversity?’ in Graham Gee and Erika Rackley (eds), Debating Judicial Appointments in an Age of Diversity (2017, Routledge).
Catherine Barnard and Alysia Blackham, ‘Discrimination and the Self-Employed: The Scope of Protection in an Interconnected Age’ in Hugh Collins (ed), European Contract Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights (2017, Intersentia) 197–218 doi:10.1017/9781780684963.009.
Alysia Blackham, Miriam Kullmann, Hanna Pettersson, Ania Zbyszewska, ‘The Rationales of Government Action on Ageing and the Extension of Working Lives’ in Ann Numhauser-Henning and Mia Rönnmar (eds), Elder Law: Evolving European Perspectives (2017, Edward Elgar).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Values Driving Ageing Law and Policy in Europe’ in Mia Rönnmar and Jenny Julén Votinius (eds), Festschrift Till Ann Numhauser-Henning (2017, Juristförlaget).
Alysia Blackham and George Williams AO, ‘Social Media and the Judiciary: A Challenge to Judicial Independence?’ in Rebecca Ananian-Welsh and Jonathan Crowe (eds), Judicial Independence in Australia (2016, Federation Press).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Emerging Options for Extending Working Lives: Results of a Delphi Study’ in Simonetta Manfredi and Lucy Vickers (eds), Challenges of Active Ageing: Equality Law and the Workplace (2016, Palgrave Macmillan).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Reforming Default Retirement Ages: Regulating Out Precariousness for Older Workers?’ in C. Lageot and N. Papineau (eds), Approches franco-britanniques de la précarité: principe(s), droit(s), pratique(s) (2016, LGDJ coll. Fac. de droit de Poitiers).
Alysia Blackham, ‘Using the Delphi Method to Advance Legal Reform: A New Method for Empirical Labour Law Research?’ in Amy Ludlow and Alysia Blackham (eds), New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research (2015, Hart).
Alysia Blackham and Amy Ludlow, ‘Introduction’ in Amy Ludlow and Alysia Blackham (eds), New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research (2015, Hart).
Edited collections:
Alysia Blackham and Sean Cooney (eds), Research Methods in Labour Law: A Handbook (2024, Edward Elgar).
Alysia Blackham, Miriam Kullmann and Ania Zbyszewska (eds), Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: Towards Inclusive Labour Law (2019, Hart).
Amy Ludlow and Alysia Blackham (eds), New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research (2015, Hart).