Invited conference presentations and keynotes:
‘Social Media and Open Justice: Court Communication in an Era of AI, Bots and Misinformation’ (invited presentation at Reflections on R v Sussex Justices, ex parte McCarthy, University of Worcester and University of Cambridge, 2024).
‘Age Discrimination and Junior Wages’ (invited presentation at the Fair Wages All Ages Conference, Young Workers Centre, 2024).
‘Remedies in Workplace Discrimination Law: Private Law Perspectives on Damages’ (invited, funded presentation at Private Law Perspectives on the Employment Contract, UCL, 2024).
‘Equality Law Protection for Legal Education: Internships, Volunteering and Clinics’ (invited, funded presentation at the Research Unit on Law and Education (RULE) symposium on ‘Equity, Equality and Legal Education’, Adelaide, 2023).
‘Engaging with Unisuper’s Academic Heartland: Precarious Workers’ (invited presentation at the Unisuper Consultative Committee Annual Meeting, Melbourne, 2023).
‘Discrimination at Work’ (invited presentation at the Work Futures Hallmark Research Initiative launch, University of Melbourne, 2023).
‘Advancing Gender Equality at Work: The Possibilities of “Next Generation” Positive Duties’ (invited lecture to the Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI) Guest Lecture Series, 2023).
‘Muddling Through: Implications for Advocacy’ (invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group, Adelaide, 2022).
‘The Many Labour Law Research Methods’ (invited workshop presented at the 2022 Labour Law Teaching & Research Workshops, Australian Labour Law Association Annual Conference, Sydney, 2022).
‘Ageing in a Digital Working World: Towards Inclusive Workplaces?’ (invited presentation at Healthy Ageing and the Good Life, Hokkaido University, 2022).
‘Older Workers, Unfair Dismissal and Age Discrimination Law: Strengthening Employment Protection?’ (invited presentation at Older Workers and the Future of Work: Theory, Concepts and Advancements in Employment Protection, Non-discrimination and Collective Bargaining, Lund University, 2022).
‘A Life Course Approach to Addressing Exponential Inequalities: Age, Gender, and COVID-19’ (invited plenary presentation delivered at the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law’s Annual 2022 Meeting, Hong Kong, 2022).
‘Remedies and Positive Duties’ (invited presentation at the ICON-S 2022 - Equal Rights Trust Forum - Protecting Minorities, 2022).
‘Digital Platforms and the Future of the Care Economy’ (invited presentation at the Digital Government Festival, University of Melbourne, 2022).
‘Learning to Juggle: Progressing Your Career as an ECA’ (invited keynote presentation delivered at the Australasian Law Academics Association 2022 Conference Early Career Day, Melbourne, 2022)
‘Intersectional Gaps in the Legal Enforcement of Discrimination Law’ (invited presentation to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department Anti-Discrimination Law Workshop, 2020)
‘How well Does Age Discrimination Law Support Older Workers? An Empirical Study of Australian Case Law’ (invited keynote presentation delivered at the International Conference on the Elderly’s Welfare, Kobe University, Japan, 2020)
‘Working at the Edges of Legal Protection: Equality Law and Youth Work Experience from a Comparative Perspective’ (invited presentation delivered at the International Symposium on Internships/Traineeships, ILO, Geneva, 2019)
‘Pensions and the Modern Workforce’ (invited presentation delivered at Pensions Law, Policy and Practice, UCL, 2019)
‘Extending Working Lives for Older Workers’ (invited presentation at New Agency: Owning Your Future exhibition, RMIT University, 2018)
‘Recent Developments in Australian and New Zealand Age Discrimination Law’ (invited keynote presentation delivered at the New Zealand Labour Law Society Conference, Christchurch, 2017)
‘Emerging Options for Extending Working Lives: Results of a Delphi Study’ (invited presentation delivered at Challenges of Active Ageing for Equality Law and for the Workplace, Oxford Brookes University, 2014)
‘Is the Contract of Employment Just a Contract [After All]? A Reflective Session Examining the Interplay between the Common Law and Statute in the Light of Recent Case Law’ (invited presentation at the Industrial Law Society Spring Conference, London, 2013)
Invited seminars:
‘The Risks of Adoption of AI in the Workplace’ (presented to the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) ER/IR Advisory Panel 2024)
‘ARC Grants Information Session’ (presented to the Department of Business Law and Taxation, Monash Business School)
‘AI, Bias and Discrimination: The Need for Collective Responses’ (presented to the Unions Tasmania Young Workers Conference, 2024)
‘Understanding the Impact, Presenting and Disseminating your Law and Society Research’ (presented to the LSAANZ Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Workshop 2024)
‘AI, Data and Workers’ Rights’ (presented to the Australian Council of Trade Unions Congress 24 Special Working Group on AI Data and Workers Rights, 2024)
‘Discrimination Law Updates: Positive Duties and a Successful Age Discrimination Case’ (presented to the Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group Annual Meeting, Hobart, 2023)
‘Discrimination Law Reform: Evaluating Progress, Identifying Gaps’ (presented to the Australian Labour Law Association, 2023)
‘Caring and Workplace Gender Equality’ (presented to the Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector, 2023)
‘Caring and Workplace Gender Equality’ (presented to the Victorian Public Sector, as part of the Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector seminar Intersectionality Report, 2023)
‘AI, Bias and Discrimination: The Need for Collective Responses’ (presented to the Australian Council of Trade Unions Futures Network, 2023)
‘Methods or madness? Navigating methods in legal research’ (presented at Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide, 2022)
‘Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement’ (presented to the Faculty of Law, Lund University, 2022)
‘Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement’ (presented at Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide, 2022)
‘Laying the Foundation for Gender Equality in the Public Sector in Victoria’ (presented to the Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector, 2022)
‘Effective Abstract Drafting’ (presented to the ALLA ECR Network, 2021).
‘Equality and Safety in the Gig Economy: Options and Reforms’ (presented to WorkSafe Victoria, 2020)
‘Development and Implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic)’ (presented to the South Australian Parliament briefing on the Gender Equality Bill 2020 (SA))
‘Age Discrimination in a Pandemic: COVID-19 and Inequality at Work’ (presented to the Faculty Research Seminar Series, Melbourne Law School, 2020)
'Age Discrimination Beyond Employment’ (invited paid seminar, presented at Kobe University, Japan, 2019)
‘Older Women Workers, Age Discrimination and Public Policy: A Perfect Storm for Inhibiting Workforce Participation?’ (presented at the Economic and Social Participation Research Initiative Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Public Policy & Women’s Workforce Participation, University of Melbourne, 2018)
‘Individual Enforcement of Age Discrimination Claims in Australia and the UK’ (presented to the Faculty of Law, Lund University, 2018)
‘Individual Enforcement of Age Discrimination Claims in Australia and the UK’ (presented to the Faculty Research Seminar Series, Melbourne Law School, 2017)
‘Applying for a DECRA Grant’ (presented at Melbourne Law School, 2017)
‘Normative Visions of Age: Progress and Change in Australian Labour Law’ (presented to the Faculty Research Seminar Series, Melbourne Law School, 2016)
‘Critiquing Australia's Age Discrimination Laws: A UK Comparison’ (presented to the Berkeley Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, 2016)
‘Using Open Data in Research: Possibilities, Challenges and Ethics’ (presented to the Cambridge Socio-Legal Group, University of Cambridge, 2015)
‘Judges and Retirement Ages in the UK: A Proportionate Means of Achieving Legitimate Aims?’ (presented at the University of Sheffield, 2015)
‘Will You Still Employ Me When I’m 65? A Comparative Analysis of Retirement and Age Discrimination in Australia and the UK’ (presented at the College of Law, Australian National University, 2015)
‘Addressing the Ageing Workforce: A Critical Examination of Legal Policy Objectives and Values’ (presented at the Faculty of Law, Lund University, 2014)
‘Using the Delphi Method to Advance Legal Reform: A New Method for Empirical Legal Research’ (presented at the Graduate Research Seminar, University of Cambridge, 2014)
‘Accountability of Members of Parliament for Misconduct’ (presented at the Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge, 2014)
‘Will You Still Employ me When I'm 65? Compulsory Retirement, Age Discrimination and the Modern Workforce’ (presented at Occasional Research Conversations, Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia, 2013)
‘Personal Reflections on the Possibilities, Challenges and Practicalities of using Socio-Legal and Empirical Methods in Research’ (panel presentation for the Cambridge Socio-Legal Group, University of Cambridge, 2013)
‘Evaluating Age Discrimination Laws in the United Kingdom’ (presented at Kobe University, Japan, 2013)
‘Tackling Age Discrimination against Older Workers: A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom and Finland’ (presented to the Berkeley Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, 2013)
‘Tackling Age Discrimination against Older Workers in the EU: Comparative Approaches of Member States’ (presented to the Cambridge University European Society, 2013)
‘Extending Working Life: A Comparative Perspective’ (presented at the Faculty of Law, Lund University, 2013)
Conference presentations:
‘Exploring the Limits of Creative Methods in Socio-Legal Studies: Content Analysis, Case Law and AI’ (presented at Exploring Creative Research Methods in Socio-Legal Studies, La Trobe and Monash University, Melbourne, 2024)
‘Assessing the impact of change and reform: The Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) 20 years on’ (presented at the Australian Labour Law Association National Conference, Geelong, 2024)
‘Equality Rights as Human Rights: Framing in Public Law Across and Beyond the Tasman’ (presented at the ICON-S AUS-NZ Chapter Conference, Sydney, 2024)
‘Illuminating Intersections between Equality Law, Employment Law and Public Law’ (presented at the 10th Annual BCCE Conference, Utrecht, 2023)
‘Reflections on Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement’ (presented at LLRN6 Conference, Warsaw, 2023)
‘Collective action, voice and equality: bargaining to achieve more equal futures?’ (presented at LLRN6 Conference, Warsaw, 2023)
‘Enabling Access to Justice? Conciliation and Dispute Resolution in Equality Law’ (presented at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, 2023)
‘Enforcing Equality Law Beyond Individual Enforcement’ (presented at Enforcing EU Labour Law (and beyond), European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, 2022)
‘Abandoning Individual Enforcement? Interrogating the Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law’ (presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, London, 2022)
‘Remedy without Reckoning? Critiquing the Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law’ (presented at the Global Meeting on Law and Society, Lisbon, 2022)
‘Life course Legislating? Contextualising Age Discrimination’ (presented with Kat Riach at ESA RN01 Midterm Conference, Vienna, 2022)
‘Evolution for a Revolution: Challenging Legal Education and Scholarship through Empirical Research Methods’ (presented at the Australasian Law Academics Association Conference 2022, Melbourne)
‘Setting the Framework for Accountability for Algorithmic Discrimination at Work’ (presented at the inaugural Berkeley Digital Equality Working Group conference, 2022)
‘“Pragmatism or Oversight”: The Arbitrary Exclusion of Equality Protections for Non-standard Workers?’ (presented with Anne Hewitt at the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law Annual Conference, Hong Kong, 2022)
‘Shifting the burden of proof: Addressing the limits of individual enforcement?’ (presented at SLSA 2022, York)
‘Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement’ (presented at the I·CON Aus/NZ Constitutional Theory Group Plenary Conference, Canberra, 2022)
‘Healthy Ageing at Work’ (presented at Hokkaido University and University of Melbourne, Virtual Conference on Healthy Ageing, 2022)
‘The Difficult Relationship between Federalism and Inequality: A Case Study of Australian Age Discrimination Law’ (presented at the ANU Law 60th Anniversary Conference, Public Law and Inequality, Canberra, 2022)
‘Reimagining discrimination law: Towards a life course approach’ (presented at Age(ing) Futures: Reimagining Age Equality at Work, Melbourne Law School, 2022)
‘Collective Enforcement of Workplace Age Discrimination Law: A Panacea to the Individual Enforcement Model?’ (presented at the Tenth Biennial National Australian Labour Law Association Conference, 2021)
‘Upending reliance on individual enforcement to address discrimination at work: avoidance and withdrawal behaviour as fundamental challenges to the regulatory framework’ (presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2021)
‘The Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic): a missed opportunity for promoting equality in internships and work-integrated learning?’ (presented at International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, 2021)
‘Addressing Age Discrimination in Employment: Towards New Mechanisms for Enforcing Labour Norms’ (presented at LLRN5, 2021)
‘Age Discrimination, Work and Collective Action’ (presented at the 2021 CAWLS annual conference)
‘Organising to address age discrimination at work: moving beyond intergenerational tensions?’ (presented at the International Labour Process Conference 2021)
‘When Law and Data Collide: The Quantitative Gap to Conducting Mixed Methods Empirical Research in Law’ (presented at Reflecting on Methodology in Empirical Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford and Cardiff, 2021)
‘Addressing Discrimination at Work: Avoidance, Withdrawal Behaviour and COVID-19’ (presented at the BSA Annual Conference 2021: Remaking the Future, 2021)
‘Age Discrimination, Intersectionality and the Individual Enforcement Model: Limiting Access to Justice’ (presented at the SLSA 2021 conference)
‘Emerging Issues for Age Equality Law: Covid-19 and Beyond’ (presented at the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2021)
‘Age Discrimination in Work: Nature, Challenges and Solutions’ (presented at the CIPD Applied Research Conference, 2021)
‘Public Sector Equality Duties: The Future of Equality and Transparency? Lessons from the UK’ (presented at Using Transparency to Achieve Equality, 2020)
‘Can Positive Duties Improve the Workforce Experience of Older People?’ (presented at the 53rd Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 2020)
‘Enforcing Rights in Employment Tribunals: Insights from Age Discrimination Claims in a New “Dataset”’ (presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2020)
‘Women, Age Discrimination and Work: Where Have all the Cases Gone?’ (presented at Gender and Sexuality at Work: A Multidisciplinary Research and Engagement Conference, University of Melbourne, February 2020)
‘The Emerging Importance of Transparency in Achieving Equality’ (presented with Dominique Allen at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, Stockholm University, 2019)
‘The ageing workforce and collective bargaining: a comparative perspective on measures to promote work ability in Sweden, the UK and Australia’ (presented with Mia Rönnmar at the Association of Industrial Relations Academics in Australia and New Zealand Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, 2019)
‘Why do claims fail? A failure analysis of employment age discrimination case law in Australia’ (presented at the Ninth Biennial National Australian Labour Law Association Conference, Gold Coast, 2018): Awarded the Phillipa Weeks Prize for the Best Paper by an Early Career Scholar presented at the ALLA 2018 Conference.
‘The Persistence of Age Discrimination in Work: Is Individual Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law Still the Best Model for the Job?’ (presented at the AIRAANZ Symposium on the Persistence of Inequity at Work: Examination of the Impact of almost 50 years of Anti-Discrimination and Equity Law, Policy and Practices, Macquarie University, 2018)
‘Confidentiality and Settlement: Uncovering the Hidden Secrets of the Enforcement of Equality Law in Australia and the UK’ (presented with Dominique Allen at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, Melbourne Law School, 2018)
‘Using Legal Insiders to Empirically Assess the Implementation of Age Discrimination Law: Hazard or Goldmine?’ (presented at the Labour Law Research Network Conference, Toronto, 2017)
‘Using Empirical Research to Advance Workplace Equality Law Scholarship: Comparative Benefits, Pitfalls and Challenges’ (presented with Dominique Allen at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, Dublin, 2017)
‘Combatting Age Discrimination in Employment: A Comparison of Australian and UK Legal Limitations’ (presented at the Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2017)
‘Defining ‘Discrimination’ in UK and Australian Age Discrimination Law’ (presented at the Eighth Biennial National Australian Labour Law Association Conference, Melbourne, 2016): Awarded the Phillipa Weeks Prize for the Best Paper presented at the ALLA 2016 Conference.
‘Retiring in the Shadow of the Court: Ethical and Legal Restrictions on Retired Judges’ (presented with Gabrielle Appleby at International Legal Ethics Conference VII: The Ethics & Regulation of Lawyers Worldwide: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Fordham Law School, 2016)
‘The Precarious State of Early Career Academe: A Comparative Review’ (presented with Shelda Debowski at the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Conference, Perth, 2016)
‘Resolving Discrimination Claims beyond the Courts: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia and the UK’ (presented with Dominique Allen at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group Conference, Shanghai, 2016)
‘Normative Visions of Age: Progress and Change in Australian Labour Law’ (presented at The Evolving Project of Labour Law, Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law, University of Melbourne, 2016)
‘Public Sector Equality Duties: A Comparative Perspective’ (presented at the Discrimination Law Experts Meeting, Melbourne, 2015)
‘Judicial Diversity and Mandatory Retirement: Obstacle or Route to Progress?’ (presented at Appointing Judges in an Age of Diversity: A Workshop on the 10th Anniversary of the JAC, University of Birmingham, 2015)
‘Self-employment in EU Member States: The Role for Equality Law’ (presented with Catherine Barnard at the Labour Law Research Network conference, Amsterdam, 2015)
‘Social Media and the Judiciary: A Challenge to Judicial Independence?’ (presented with George Williams at Judicial Independence in Australia: Contemporary Challenges, Future Directions, University of Queensland, 2015)
‘Reflexive Change? A Quantitative Review of the Impact of the Equality Act 2010 on Age Equality Measures in Organisations’ (presented at The Equality Act 2010: Five-Years On, University of Chester, 2015)
‘The Role of Empirical Evidence in Building Trust in Legal Institutions’ (presented at Trust and Empirical Evidence in Law Making and Legal Process, University of Oxford, 2015)
‘Addressing the Aging Workforce: A Critical Examination of Legal Policy Objectives and Values’ (presented at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2015)
‘Ageing and Employment in a Time of Austerity: Challenges and Opportunities’ (presented at Challenges for Labour Law: Group for Employment Law and Policy Annual Conference, Kingston University, 2014)
‘Using the Delphi Method to Advance Legal Reform: A New Method for Empirical Labour Law Research?’ (presented at New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research, University of Cambridge, 2014)
‘Social Media and Court Communication’ (presented with George Williams at the Public Law Conference: Process and Substance in Public Law, University of Cambridge, 2014)
‘Tackling Age Discrimination Against Older Workers: A Comparative Analysis of Laws in the United Kingdom and Finland’ (presented at the Young Scholars’ Workshop in Labour Relations, Marco Biagi Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2014)
‘Working on the Edge: Older Workers and the UK Default Retirement Age’ (presented at Law on the Edge: Annual Conference of the Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand, University of British Columbia, 2013)
‘Age Discrimination and Older Workers: A Qualitative Evaluation of Legal Reform’ (presented at the Socio-Legal Studies Association 2013 Annual Conference, York Law School, 2013)
‘Continuities and Disruptions at the End of Working Life: A Comparative Perspective’ (presented at the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Research on Work, Turku, Finland, 2013)
‘Developing New Research Methodologies for EU Empirical Research’ (presented at Doing Law Beyond the State: Exploring Research Methodologies in Comparative, EU and Public and Private International Law, University of Sheffield, 2013)